Semester II, Examination and Centenary Chance Special Examination The accommodation charges are charged from first day of the month to last day of the month.Postponement of Economics Department’s Interview In case a resident guest vacates her room before completion of the month, she will be bound to pay the accommodation charges for the whole month.Security deposit will be refunded at the time of vacating the room. Deposit amount will not be adjusted as accommodation charges.PG residents should take away all their belongings from the premises, before leaving the PG accommodation and must give clean and vacant possession.

The PG inmates should take care for the safety of their belongings inside the room.No family members or friends of paying guests are permitted to visit the room.necessary disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters. All resident guests must be back in the premises by 10.30 p.m.Resident guests shall be required to seek permission from the owners before leaving for a leave.Misbehavior or Indulging in a row with owners / security staff will be treated as an offence and will be liable for expulsion.Use of narcotics, consumption of alcoholic beverages, Smoking and gambling are strictly prohibited.If they found indulged in these activities they will be expelled without serving any notice in this regard and pending disciplinary action.If anybody is found to do so, she shall be liable for expulsion. Any act of intimidation or violence, willful damage to property or drunken and riotous behavior constitutes an offence.No relatives, friends of resident guests are allowed keep any vehicle in the parking premises.GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PAYING GUEST RESIDENTS Any misconduct or misbehavior with fellow PG resident/Owner.If PG resident is continuously absent for 7 days without prior permission.Mischief causing damage to the PG accommodation property.Indulging in Anti - Social activities in the PG accommodation.Bringing guests without permission (illegal).Non - payment of dues within the due dates.The owners are authorized to evict any resident guest from any room, if a resident fails in complying with any one of the following: The identity proof would include a Smart card, the voter identity card, employment card, passport, adhar card or any other photo identity issued by a recognized authority. The paying guest have to fill up police information form and submit their photo identity proof along with two passport size photographs to the owner. The decision of the owner shall be final in such cases. The owners are authorized to evict any resident guest from any room, if in their opinion such resident paying guest/person violates the rules, discipline or disturbs the peace.